Day 13. Sacred Energy.

Although I no longer practice any organized religion, my family grew up spiritual while going to church. There were times when I felt no spirit attending church and there were more often times when I felt spirit while not attending church. My spiritual journey has been exceptionally edifying and fulfilling for the past several years. I am not here to condemn religion—it is condemning itself and I repel negative energy as often as I can. The wonderful Christie Marie Sheldon, whom I’ve mentioned before earlier in this blog challenge, has helped me feed my soul through practical and positive ways. Her vibration exercises are revolutionary. By simply speaking words of high vibrations, we set our frequency to operate from light, love, and joy. You can read more about her amazing self-help business on her website.

One exercise that I helps me immediately feed my soul is the Blessing Ball of Light. Go ahead and try this: Think of someone you care about or maybe someone you’re worried about, it can even be yourself. Concentrate on their face or perhaps how they make you feel. Say aloud, “I bless you.” Feel what happens. A positive lift in energy will occur. Usually a smile immediately forms on my face. This will work if you are open and intuitive to the shift. (FYI: Refining one’s intuition is a fairly simple process as well of identifying the negativity and fears that are holding you back…that’s called your ego. Once identified, search for its true reason for being there. Finding the reason(s) is powerful to forgive, apologize, or release the situation. This can be done in the privacy of your own home. Energy travels, and if we respect our potential, we can release any negative energy before it begins to fester.) Christie then takes this one step further… Concentrate on that person (or yourself) again and say, “I bless you with pure love and light.” Feel what happens. You can do this for anyone or anything at anytime. When I’m driving and feeling agitated at the many annoying drivers that don’t seem to understand how to behave…I burst out, “I bless you!” This calms me down. I see many homeless here in Denver…I bless you. A friend posts about a hardship on Facebook…I bless you. When I’m feeling unconfident and unsure…I bless you.

"I bless you with pure love and light." Photo credit: Diana Walker, black&white creative.

“I bless you with pure love and light.” Photo credit: Diana Walker, black&white creative.

Feeding my body is very important to me and is an intuitive practice as well. Clean, yummy, healthy food is my favorite. At times I’ve cut out sugar completely and felt more energized. I crave artisan breads from time to time…I have a hard time believing it’s “bad” for me. And so I enjoy it and don’t call it bad. The words we speak to ourselves feed or deprive us. I believe it was the fabulous Danielle LaPorte that challenged her audience to get up, look in the mirror, and tell yourself, “Damn I look good! I just love myself! I just love this body I have!” If you want to change your thoughts, change your words. If you want to change your words, change your thoughts. It is a cyclical motion and the round robin can be changed when we bring more love into it. I’ve noticed that when I look at my “trouble spot” and think, “That’s cute. I’m so grateful for my body…” then I swear they look better next time I look. There is such power in visualization and positive reinforcements. Tell yourself the positive, uplifting compliments that you want to hear and believe it! We see things not as they are, but as we are. See clearer by speaking better.

Feeding my mind is more like a daily requirement than a nice option. Being a better writer, creative producer, and businesswoman are areas that have pioneers/engineers that I can follow. Many a book is at my fingertips for me to access. Today in my work email I was sent free guides on social marketing hacks and etiquette to get more impressions (organically). I’ll share a few that would work for B2C businesses (most of these were written for B2B businesses). I read like a sea sponge and love content. It’s my favorite thing about the internet and a huge advantage to have access to the worldwide web for all seeking education. It’s a large world, getting more connected each day. Let’s keep it going. What’s one area in your life that could use some TLC—body, mind, or soul? What’s something you enjoy that you can incorporate?